Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Workin' hard on my Northwest Indiana Photos

I've been working hard to load up all of the Northwest Indiana photos that I've taken over the years into albums sorted alphabetically by city, then selling them to people and businesses looking to hang local photos in their homes or offices and for businesses to commercially license the digital images to use in their marketing materials.

Northwest Indiana Photos

It's an extremely time intensive project because I not only am creating all of the many images from all of the cities and towns in a six county area, but I also have to post them and keep the website up. Lots of work! Now that most of the city pages are created, I can work more on the photos and adding them to the albums. I try to get as much of the editing, website, and posting work done as I can in the winter because once spring comes around, I'll be ready to go get more photos.

Traverse City Photos

I've also been working to put together a webpage dedicated to Traverse City photos with the same purpose; to create a gallery of images available for purchase to the public. On the webpage, I've included galleries for Sleeping Bear Dunes, Leelanau County, National Cherry Festival, and more.

Eventually, I want to have photos of all four seasons in all of the Northwest Indiana cities and towns as well as Traverse City. Perhaps I'll create a page for other cities as well, like Chicago, which is less than an hour from my home.

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