Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What have I been up to?!?

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season! Sorry I haven't written much lately, and frankly, I don't really have an excuse other than I was REALLY lazy...and I'll explain why...

Fortunately for me, I work at a college. I get the same holidays off that the students get, which are basically all of the major federal holiday (including MLK Jr Day). Usually in early December, the President of the college announces whether he is giving us two free weeks off for Christmas break (sometimes we have to work a few of the days in between). This year we were given two weeks off, plus I only work a 4-day (10 hr) work week, so I was off from Thurs. Dec 19 - Mon. Jan 5) ...PAID! Yay! The weather here has been terrible...cold, then warm, then snow, then melt, then ice...over and over again. I stayed inside as much as possible. I didn't even leave home from Jan 1 until I went to work Jan 5. I spent New Years Eve with my cousins and Christy at Johnny's new house in Munster.

Christmas was nice! I did the same thing I do every year...wake up, go to my parents and open presents in the morning, then go to Becky's to meet up with everyone else, go to my dad's side of the family's house in the evening, and get home by 9:00 or so. It's pretty routine...the same exact thing I've done every Christmas for my entire life. I did get some nice things and I'm excited about my ShamWow (as seen on TV) and now my eyes are open for things to soak up. I also got Season 4 of The Office (my fav), some nice clothes, a big roasting crock pot, a new camera bag, and a few other things. I didn't get anything that I had on my Christmas list, so I'm assuming that Santa doesn't have a Blogspot yet. He must be on MySpace, or Twitter, or Facebook or something.

Uncle Ronald, you asked me if I was working on any new projects, and actually, I am. I'll tell you a little bit about them. For my own business, I'm just finishing my contract with the Lake County Juvenile Courts for a video that I did for the Judge. It was a short 4 minute video, a paternal affidavit, that I recorded and post-produced and created and labeled 20 DVDs for. I'm working to generate some new business and hoping to book some weddings for the summer and fall.

At the college, I'm working on a really fun project that I came up with. I had a dream one night...a vision, if you will...of a powerful and inspirational video that I could do for the college. I told my boss I had a great idea but I didn't want to explain it to her, I just wanted to do it, then show her. She's liked everything I've done before, so she got excited and told me to go for it. I currently have about 75% of the video done. I have since showed it to my boss and she loves it and said it gives her goose bumps! She told me that this year the college wasn't going to have a new commercial filmed (due to budget) and we were going to run this past years commercials next year. If the president really likes this video, he might want to make this the commercial, which would then air across the Chicago metro area for 3-4 months on most of the major networks, including ABC, CNN, MTV and some of the Food Networks. I don't want to get too ahead of myself because that still is a longshot, but it's a shot!

Well, it is getting late in Indiana. My sleep schedule still feels thrown off from having so much time off and staying up until 4am and waking up at 1:00!

Mmmm...suddenly I have the taste for Pierogi's before bed....NO JOEY NO!!!!


Pedaling said...

thanks for the update joey.
i like routine or as some call it tradition. your holiday sounds like it was great. simple and nice.

i can see that your talents are going to take you places. don't forget us little guys when you make it big!

Jen said...

Hope to see your commercial!

sweet older sister said...

Pierogies? I heard they are very good! Did you get some, or did common sense get the better of you?

JoeyBLS said...

Common sense got the better of me. I wanted them soo bad though! Eight fried pierogi's before bed is a recipe for disaster. I had Raisen Bran cereal instead :)

Lulu said...

Joey, you should have gone for the fried pierogi's .

Wish I would have been there. I would have enjoyed the fried pierogi's .

Too bad about Santa. Maybe next year!

I gained 5 pounds over the holidays. Give me time I'll get them off soon.

Johnny moved to Munster???

Hey, how about some pictures of the babies.