Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Exciting Assignment!

For the past few years, I've been working hard to grow my own business doing photography, cinematography, graphic art and other creative things that I like to do. I did video production in college and enjoyed creating short films and other funny clips. I was recently contacted by a production company in Studio City, CA to do a video shoot here in NW Indiana! I'll be interviewing the juvenille judge here in Lake County for a project TBA another time. The judge that I am interviewing was recently featured in the MTV production "Juvies", a show about juvenille delinquents in Lake County, Indiana. She was the presiding judge throughout the entire season. The footage may be used in their television special when it airs on MSNBC. The production company, 44 Blue Productions, has contributed to many reputable networks, such as The History Channel, TLC, Discovery, MSNBC, PBS, CourtTV, and others. I'm really excited! The interview is tomorrow morning (Friday) at 10:00am. After the interview, I fed-ex the tapes back to California. Quick and easy. But for me, I'm just excited about the possibility of getting some exposure on national television. I'll keep you posted if I hear of an air date or if they use the footage from the interview!


Lulu said...

I know you will do an outstanding presentation. Good luck.
(And what are doing up so late?)

sweet older sister said...

Keep us up to date, I would very much like to know about your projects.

sandyseashells said...

Very exciting! Keep us informed. That sounds like very interesting subject to me.