Monday, November 10, 2008

My kitties - AUDI and ATHENA

Let me introduce you to my two kids.....

I have two cats at home. I like to think of them as kitties still because they're not very old, they're not very big, and it's just nicer to think of them that way. I bought them when I moved into my condo last summer and these two rascals have an interesting little story...

I bought them at a local Petco, but not actually through Petco. On most Saturdays, a non-profit animal rescue company comes to Petco with a bunch of kittens, pups, cats and dogs that they deem 'adoptable'. I went there because I needed to get some fish food (it's funny how those things happen...walking out with fish two kittens). Actually, it wasn't EXACTLY like that, but almost! We went there and of course we had to look at all the pets. I can't have a dog at the condo and I had been debating on getting two kittens, but I had only lived in the condo for less than two months, so I didn't know if I wanted "roommates" yet. I fell in love with both of the kittens, who are sisters, and then I went home and came back the next day and bought them.

As I talked to the lady who was caring for them at the time, she told me that a man from NW Indiana went on a weekend trip with his boat to Michigan. He came home a few days later, put the boat in the garage, and the next day, kept on hearing meows coming from the garage. When he checked on it, he found four two-week old kittens in his boat without a mother. Apparently, the mother thought the boat would be a good shelter and the man drove away with her babies. It was a pretty sad story. So the kittens were hand raised by people and they are the most affectionate little things. I bought them when they were about 10 weeks old. I joke with people and tell them that I think the cats have 'an attachment complex' because their mother was so suddenly gone from their lives. They act a little needy for affection, but it's very cute. And they both have very distinct personalities.
Pronounced - AWW-DEE

Audi is my long-haired orange cat. She is a little bit redder than her sister Athena. Audi looks for attention much more than Athena. She's absolutely beautiful, but sometimes not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She's not a dumb cat, but if she was a human, she would be a little ditsy. Audi likes to lay in my lap any chance that she can get. She likes laying on my laptop when it's closed (keeps her warm). Audi is the talker...if you talk to her, she ALWAYS talks back. She has a very cute meow, not a bratty one like some cats. She likes to chase people's feet under the covers. She likes to unroll all of my toilet paper rolls. She likes to rob my tomato plant of its green tomatoes so that she can bring them inside and play with them until I find them rotten under the couch. She watches my fish tank all the time and tries to catch the fish. She likes my bed. Audi is usually the instigator between her and her sister, Athena. Audi likes to bite photographs if they are left out. She also likes to pounce on specs of things on the carpet that she thinks my be a bug. Audi loves going out on the balcony and will sit out there for hours if its nice and I let her.


Athena is my short-haired orange cat. She is a little bit lighter in color than Audi is. Her stripes are more noticable, particularly the rings around her table. Athena is very mellow and likes to lay around on her back with her legs spread out. She lays in the weirdest positions and falls asleep in ways I can't even imagine. Athena likes to get into anything that she can fit in, like shopping bags (especially the plastic ones). I woke up one morning a couple of months ago and she had the bag from an empty cereal box stuck around her head because she tried to get inside of it. She gets inside of my pants after I take them off, paper towel bags, pretty much anything. Athena doesn't meow much at all unless she's just being extra talkative. She does like to meow at the door when she is by herself. Athena likes dark places, particularly, under my bed and my linen closet (if left open). Athena always wants her tummy rubbed and she will plop down right in front of you and roll on her back so she can get some scratchin'. Athena also likes my bed, but she prefers to lay down by my feet. Athena tolerates being held, but only likes being held one way...swaddled in a little ball. Athena likes to chew on wires, so I have to be careful and tape my wires ahead of time with electrical tape. I woke up one morning with the pedal for my keyboard in my bed. She also severed my Wii sensor.
I'm sure I'll post more things up about the cats, since those are my little children.


Lulu said...

Thanks for the update on the children, those 2 kittens.

Pedaling said...

they are VERY cute!

sweet older sister said...

I love kittys and orange ones espeically! Keep us up to date on Audi and Athena, They have a cute story. (I have had to raise orphan kitties in the past and it is a lot of work, but they do tend to become very affectionate.) Right now I have seven, yes seven outdoor cats. The males are very affectionate, but none of the females will let me near them. I love them all and have no problem with mice or gophers or rats or rabbits. Tho they are a little expensive to feed.

Lulu said...

go to

for more pix

sandyseashells said...

i LOVE MY CAT TOO. iT'S NICE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR KITTIES. You got some really cute pictures of them.
They sound like they have such cute little personalities.

sweet older sister said...

So glad to hear you will be going to Uncle Bruce funeral. I won't be able to get off of work. But my thoughts will be with all of you Friday.
Please share my blog spot with your mother and her sisters and your Uncle Dave, and all the other cousins there. My love to you all.
Thankyou Ronna (