Wednesday, November 5, 2008

One political blog, then I'm DONE.

Since getting on the West Coast Lax bandwagon with this Blogspot website, I made a conscious decision not to get political for the sake of just keeping this site a space where I can tell all of you what's going on with me and with the Indiana Lax's. I didn't want to rock the boat since I know that almost everyone that is linked to this page is predominately a conservative Republican. That being said, the election is now over and we have a new President-Elect and this will be one of the only policital blogs (in regards to the candidates and this election) that I will write. I'm doing it not because I want to convince others of my opinions, but to let others understand how I feel and why I feel that way.

It is no suprise that I am not a fan of President Bush and most of his administration and policies. It is also not a suprise that I supported Sen. Barack Obama throughout his entire campaign. Some of you probably got the email I sent to everyone that came from Uncle Ronald about "Baracko Hussein Obama", which again, is another reason why I want to write this blog to clarify where I stand overall.

First and foremost, whether you like him or think he is a sleezeball, former President Clinton made one of the best points I've heard when he was interviewed on The View a month or so back. He said, that he has learned (and I'm quoting very loosely) "never to question why anyone votes for the candidate that they vote for". Some people vote on a large group of policies. Some vote solely on social issues (abortion, stem cell, etc.) Some vote solely on party; some vote on character; some vote on experience; and some vote on looks and presentation. I certainly don't knock anyone for voting how they did, regardless of how I voted. I enjoy challenging others ideas (in a mature, educational way) and I enjoy being challenged. I enjoy arguing politics (respectfully). I like politics. I was very involved this year and seen Barack Obama speak twice in NW Indiana, I saw Hillary speak once in NW Indiana, and I have met Pres. Clinton twice, once in 2005 and once this past June, just days before the Indiana/North Carolina primaries. I educate myself. I research both candidates platforms all the time. I read both candidate's websites and policies. I watched all of the debates. I watched unbiased news programming, like PBS and CNN and stayed away from MSNBC (left-leaning) and FOX News (right-leaning). All of my decisions are made by what I find, what I see, and my OWN decisions.

Photos I took during the campaign. The photo of Pres. Clinton on the left was taken in 2005.

I do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican. I consider myself a moderate Independent swing voter. I voted for Bush in 2000 and 2004 (in hind sight, with much regret) I had my reasons for voting for President Bush (which can be found in the comment section on Uncle Ronald's post about his favorite heros and picture of Reagan/Bush). I consider myself a centrist, with a slight lean to the left, but not far left. I respect decisions and ideas that come from conservatives. The areas that I lean left with are typically social issues. I lean slightly to the right on the role of government.

In a nutshell, I have listed what I am for and against below (in no particular order)...

1) Smaller government
2) A large military (but not obscenely big)
3) Government regulation
4) Bipartisanship
5) States rights
6) Science research - stem cell research, medicinal marijuana, "fruit flys"
7) Pro-life (with exception of insest, rape, mother endangerment)
8) 2nd Amendment - right to bear arms (with much gun control)
9) Alternative renewable energies - solar, wind, hydro.
10) Infrastructure improvements and reconstruction.
11) International trade.
12) NAFTA (which needs to be reviewed and rewritten...but the concept of free trade between USA, Canada and Mexico I very much support)
13) A fair taxing system that works.
14) A universal health care plan option for those who do not have insurance offered through their employers, or for the unemployeed
15) No taxing of health care benefits, life insurance, 401k contributions
16) Major tax breaks/deductions for charities, volunteerism, and other humanitarian work. We need to promote and encourage volunteerism!!!
17) Elimination of individual township/city/county assessors for property values and property tax purposes(this is mainly an Indiana thing)
18) Either lowering drinking age to 19 or not allowing young ones to serve in the military until 19 or 20. Since the first one scares me, I lean toward the later. We shouldn't tell a 19 yr old that they can't have a drink, but they can carry large assault weapons to go into other countries to kill other humans. It doesn't make sense. BTW, I'm not promoting the idea of lowering the drinking age, but moreso, raising the age of those who serve in our military by a year or two.
19) Protect our borders by building barriers, but don't close off our borders.
20) Immigration reform.
21) Minimum wage raises should coincide closely with national inflation.
22) A well regulated oil industry.
23) Talks with ALL nations and world leaders. We MUST talk with our enemies also! We put our country at risk when we shun other leaders, regardless of whether we agree with them or not. To suggest that we should not have talks with our enemies just blows my mind! This doesn't mean that I think our President and Chavez, Putin, Castro, or Ahmedinejad (sp) should be having fun on the golf course, but we must open up talks to better our own country, their countries, and the world.

Those are my beliefs as I see them. I'm sure there are a few that I left out, and if I think of them, I will edit this post and add them to my list. Again, those are not in any particular order and I just wrote them as I thought of them. On a side note, one of the most important ones on my list is the one about States Rights. I believe that each state should have the right to create and enforce laws based on their constituents needs/desires. This gives all of us options on where and how we choose to live. There is too much that divides liberals/conservatives to make everyone happy.

Another thing...I have never voted based on a candidate's 'moralness'...and please don't get me wrong on this...this does not mean that I vote for people who are not moral or who do not have moral values, what I mean by this is that WE...OUR FAMILIES...OUR PARENTS...GRANDPARENTS...should be raising us with the morals and values that we choose to follow...not a CANDIDATE or POLITICIAN! I am not raised by my president! As a child, young teenager, and also as an adult, I have never looked at a politician's wrong-doing and said "well, that must be ok since he did it". I am able-minded enough to determine what is right or wrong. I am not easily influenced by others. I am a very strong-minded person and live my life based on my own decisions, morals, and values. My parents and family are not perfect. Most of you would agree with that statement about your own families. That doesn't mean that we don't live wonderful lives, it just means that we are all human and make mistakes. I am able to step back and see the mistakes of my family and make judgments based on my own values and morals. I would guess that my values and morals were pretty much set in stone in my high school years, when I was really able to look at them and make intelligent decisions on what should be and what shouldn't be. And now, as an adult, I take responsibility for my actions. I hold ONLY MYSELF accountable for what I do and what I say, and I try my best to not just say the right thing, but to do the right thing and to be a positive influence on others with hopes that they take that and also 'Pay it Forward' (...and what a great movie by the way!)

Krista posted a blog today called "Why Obama?" so I am going to answer her question here, and if I have time today, I'll post them on her blog comments too. The reasons below are what influenced me to vote for Barack Obama...

1) The economy. This is not an experience issue with me. John McCain has many years of experience, but little experience in economics. He has openly admitted that he doesn't understand the economy as much as he should. I also don't think Barack Obama knows everything either. I am concerned about this bailout package. While it may be our only choice to move on without diving deeper into a depression, it goes against almost everything I believe in, and frankly, goes against most of what the Republican party believes in. I don't feel that it was just the bankrupt companies fault...this was the fault of many, many Americans who live outside of their means. Credit Card debt. Unaffordable houses and cars.'ve heard it all so I won't go on listing things. There were some scandelous loans being made and many Americans were dumb enough to take them. The loans stated that their adjustable rates were ADJUSTABLE...thats why you don't get a variable rate on a house you plan to live in for more than a year or two! Even I know that. But many others didn't. All of this was written into their contracts. How much their rates would increase weren't, but the fact that they could/would change was in there. It's too bad for them, and I truly feel for them, but I (we) shouldn't have to pay the price for that.

2) Throughout the general election campaign, as I tuned in to the debates, John McCain talked more about Barack Obama and his criticisms towards him as opposed to his own policies. I rarely heard details about anything that McCain proposed. What I did hear was broad and vague.

3) The selection of Sarah Palin as Vice President. I am all for a woman in the White House and have no objections to that, but this was an obvious political ploy...seen by both me, and MANY other Republicans. I question McCains overall judgment skills with this choice. In my opinion, he should have tapped Mitt Romney. If he would have, he might have won my vote. This issue itself was reason enough for me not to support the GOP this time around. Palin is absolutely inexperienced. Mayor of a town of 5,000 and governor for 18 months hardly qualifies as experience. Credentials aside, she proved how unknowledgable she was by 1) not knowning and understanding the Bush Doctrine 2) her Katie Couric interview 3) she never answered any questions in her VP debate about the issues, but rather just provided talking points 4) she doesn't known was NAFTA is, or what countries are involved, despite her closeness with Canada and her need for international trade since Alaska is not physically connected to any other states (which came out after the election, but supports by decision) 4) her lack of understanding Africa as a continent with countries within (which came out after the election, but supports by decision). With the options of Mitt Romney, Rudy Guiliani, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, and others, how could McCain chose Palin, who, as a VP candidate, is suppose to be almost as knowledgeable about politics as the presidential candidate? This absolutely blows my mind. Given McCain's age, you must consider the chance that Palin would become president should anything bad happen to McCain. If he was younger, it wouldn't have been AS BIG of a deal. Coincidentally, McCain's choice was picked just days after Obama's, which leads me to believe that he waited to see if Obama would put Clinton on the ticket, and if not, then he would choose a female to lure disgruntled Clinton supporters to the Republican side. It is also known that he picked Palin only three days before he announced it. Top McCain aides have admitted that they were suprised because Palin wasn't even on the short list of candidates to choose from. To me, that is politics and manipulation in it's purist form. How could Palin be more qualified than Romney...a prominent, successful business man and former governor??? How could that have even been an option!?!

4) Iraq and Afghanastan. I support a responsible withdrawl from the war. At this point, we can't just call it quits and leave, but we must do it slowly with a timeline for the Iraqi government. This doesn't mean that we lose the war!!! Keep in mind, we are not at war with Iraq or Afghanastan...we are just fighting a war in their contry. We are not fighting their government, we are fighting the extremists, radicals, Taliban, and Al-Quida. For those that think pulling out would be a surrender, I ask, a surrender to whom? The terrorists? The radicals? And if you can say there is a losing option, what would the winning option be? Destroying every terrorist? Killing every extremist? As nice as that would be, that is not even possible! We would fight a war forever if we were going after extremists. We do need to guard ourselves, watch the doings of other countries (for our safety), protect our borders, etc.

5) Universal Health Care. I don't think that the government should take over insurance companies, everyone's benefits, or anything like that, but we need an option for part-time workers who have no insurance, the elderly, the post-retirement, the unemployeed, and a group of others. I don't think it should be free, but they should have an option to purchase healthcare at a fair and reasonable price. At my job, my company pays for my insurance completely, and it is a good plan for an individual. They contribute almost $500/month towards my premium. Under the McCain plan, I would be taxed on those benefits. If I was taxed at a rate of %15, I would pay almost an extra $1000 a year in taxes for my medical benefits.

6) Tax cuts and tax reform. Under the Obama plan, I would receive roughly a $1300 tax cut. Under the McCain plan, I would receive a $300 cut. I make well under $250,000, and am still well under $100,000. I am single with no dependents. I highly doubt that I will ever make over $200k/year, mainly because I just don't have the desire to make that in my life. Not that $200k wouldn't be nice, but I am very happy doing what I do and that is more important to me than working up the salary ladder. I am not a socialist and I do think that it is unfair to tax the rich much more, but I do believe in a fair taxing system where the rich may pay just a little more. For example, I am taxed for somewhere around %18 or my wages. I am not opposed to setting those with salaries of $250/k at a slightly higher rate, perhaps %22 or so (btw...these percentages are just examples). I would be appauled at a %18 rate for the middle-class and a %35 for rich. Of course that doesn't make sense. I also believe that if the rich are in a slightly higher tax bracket, their deductions and tax credits should increase, with major breaks given to those who donate to charities, donate time and supplies to volunteerism, and those that do other humanitarian good.

7) Negative campaigning. Frankly, I was turned off by the negative GOP ads. In Indiana, I did my own little unscientific study on television ads (this was partially what I went to college for...the influence of media advertising on its audiences). From September 1st through the election, I saw 12 different McCain television ads and 17 different Barack Obama ads. Out of the 12 McCain ads, 10 of them were negative, scare tactics directed at Obama, and 2 were positive and talked only about McCain and his policies/experience. Out of the 17 different Barack Obama ads, 15 were positive and discussed his policies on various issues and 2 were negative ads that only talked about John McCain and what he would do. This is disgraceful to me. I want to hear what the candidates are going to do FROM THE CANDIDATES, not their opponents. Scare tactics are another political ploy that was used. The Robo-calls telling people that Obama had close relations with terrorists, specifically Bill Ayers, are just outrageous. I know and understand negative campaigning and I am not totally against it, but the scare tactics I am! When I received forwarded emails talking about "Barack Hussein Obama's" hidden muslim agenda, I became outraged. For one, even if he is Muslim, who cares! Would that mean he would destroy our country? Turn us all Muslim? Should we keep other religions out of office, such as Buddahists, Mormons, or any other religion? Secondly, Hussein is his middle name, given to him in 1961, before any negative conotation. Should we outcast those with the last name Dahmer, Manson, Gacy, Stalin, Hitler, Mousalini (sp), Chavez, or Castro? What would be the difference between ensuring that Hussein is always included as his middle name in email forwards or if we had a Republican candidate named John Castro and I bolded and raised the font on CASTRO while also inferring that he is related to the Castro's of Cuba? People shouldn't scare others into voting for their candidate!!! Lay out the platforms and look them over. Decide what is best for you and your family. That's my opinion. If you were supporting John McCain and received a phone call from the Obama campaign that said "John McCain was not a war hero. In fact, he has been under investigation for cooperating with the Vietnam government in releasing vital national security information. John McCain has put our country and us all at risk by his wreckless actions, you would be outraged too (btw...I made that quote up as an example, so don't take it for more than it example).

Well, since I have written a mini-book above and am exhausted with writing and must get on with my day, I leave you with those thoughts. I don't argue others political choices and I hope to see this blogsite turn into something less political. The campaigning season was exhausting for everyone and all of the points have been made.

I joined this site so I can look at pictures of my cousins out west and I CERTAINLY don't want politics to come inbetween us. I joined this site because I know all of you out there, but I don't KNOW all of you out there. I am SOOOO looking forward to many things...and since I've been on a roll listing things on this blog, I will list what I look forward to (in no particular order)

1) Not only being in contact with my distant cousins, but learning more about them and the types of people they are. I want to hear about Krista and her life in CA. I'm secretly jealous cause I've always wanted to live there. I want to see her beautiful son grow up through pictures and to be able to see him someday too. That goes the same with Curtiss, Alicia, E.V., Jenn, Amber, Shauna, Robyn...all of you (including everyone I didn't name). I want to know more about Ted's political aspirations. Also his music, which I know he is into. I miss you guys and wish that we were closer, not to talk politics, but to be able to say, "Hey, let's go on a hike!" or just share things, thoughts, that sort of stuff.

2) To be in contact with Uncle Ronald and Aunt Donna. I was unfortunate to lose my grandpa at a young age (I was almost 7) and I, as well as most of my cousins, have always looked at Uncle Ronald and Aunt Donna as second grandparents. I love you guys soo much and you have done more for me than you probably know, so I want you to know that.

3) I want to learn something. I don't like being stagnant in life. I am very much an observer, a traveler, a wonderer, and kind of a modern day hippie of sorts. Teach me stuff! I want to know about the Arches Ntl Park in Utah. I want to know about life as a teacher in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I want to cheer with you when OSU beats Michigan, but cheer against you when IU plays OSU.

That's all I have for now. I love you all despite the distance, views, or anything between us! I hope to learn more about you and your lives on here and look forward to sharing my trivial doings with you, hoping that you continue to do the same.

President-Elect Barack Obama

Taken in Highland, IN. October 31, 2008


Lulu said...

Joey, great post.

Thanks for taking the time.

Love, Uncle R

Lulu said...


Do you check out

looking forward to your comments

sweet older sister said...

I am so glad to get to know you better! Be sure to stop by to see pictures and random interests, Dennis is at: Love to you and give our love to all our cousins!

sweet older sister said...

oh yeah! Did you stop by ev's blog yet very interesting as she is in Korea. and she actually posted something for you. Go to and from there click on EV or go to Jen's blogspot and click on EV. DEFINITELY check her out!

Krista said...

thanks joey, I really appreciated that. I admire your desire to know the issues of both sides. I'm actually pretty new to this whole political as I try to understand the issues I'm going more on my gut feelings and who I feel really has America's best interest at heart. thanks again.

Jen Beals said...

Thanks for the insight. It's nice to hear an Obama supporter's thoughts without the fanatics and fanfare. And it's nice to get to know a Lax family member on the other side of the world.
(Curt's wife)

sandyseashells said...

Love you Joey. Your MOM & I are very close. Teach her how, along with the rest, to get on the blog wagon. Always glad to hear about your life. You know your welcome out west, anytime!! I Love OUR FAMILY!